And continuing from my previous post.. Dowry as I said earlier is kind of like a price tag. You hit the bull's eye when you get your target right on the money. It's quite a debated topic with a lot of laws in place to abolish the practice of accepting dowry; but that's all just in paper. In order to come into effect it's gonna take a long time. It basically means changing the mindset of a chunk of society which can be quite the challenge. Another thing about Indian marriages or so would be the qualification of the bride and groom. If the bride is a doctor then she can only get married to a doctor. Equally important is your religion or caste . Getting married to a person not from the same caste or religion is like the biggest sin anyone could commit.If He/she proceeds with a marriage of such sort, they would bring on themselves the shun of society and family. The family would practically disown you and kick you out. Trust me I am not exaggerating when I s...