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Brown Family Problems

Namaste! :)

I hail from a brown family with rich Indian roots. Now that sucks. The diversity in culture and language might be good. But honestly Indian traditional customs are so narrow minded. They play a lot of importance on family values. Well, in one way that could be good and I do appreciate it but on the other hand it goes to an extreme end. I do realise that times are changing but this is not a problem that goes away so easy. No matter how modern a family you say you come from; as long as your Indian, you face the same issue. They care too much about what society thinks and mind you, Indian society is very bitchy and judgemental!

Every neighbour or older person ( called uncles or aunties) play a major role in your life. You may try your best to keep them out of your life. But they ain't going nowhere. They will have a say in your life. They end up being the ones deciding where you study, who your friends are and ultimately who you get married to! This is the most absurd thing ever. In indian culture everyone except the groom or bride has a say on who they are to get married to. If you think this is all there is, then you are genuinely mistaken, my friend.  The next concept which is so out of the world is called 'dowry'. Well that basically refers to the price tag that is put on a future bride. Each Indian woman is expected to pay their future groom a certain sum of money as dowry ( mostly in the form of gold, cash, property etc). 

More to follow on my next post :D


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