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What is Happiness?

I was just reading through an article, when this quote caught my gaze.
'Happiness is the most important thing in the world, without it,  you live a life of depression' - Marilyn Monroe.
So what is happiness?  It can't be defined.  I just read about the news of the passing away of robin Williams and it was truly shocking to hear that a man of such high worth would end his life. To me he was the best at his game but that did not mean he was happy with his life. It's easy to put on a facade and move on as if  nothing ever happened. It's easy to pretend; to put on a show. You might be able to convince the whole world that you are happy with your life but if you can't even belive it yourself, then I tell you there's no way you can move on in life.  Cause one day it will get to you. Happiness is what you make of life. You get to chose your destiny. Destiny is not a fate. Happiness is what you make of life. At the end of it all, life is made up of all the choices you make. It can't be blamed on persons or situations. It's all your doing. And in the end you can either gloat in the glory of your success or sulk in the misery of your choices.
Make your life worth the while! :)


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